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GOOD NEWS:  We've Discovered a Win+Win Solution to Our Political Divide -- And It's as Simple as the Story of Goldilocks

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The Goldilocks Revolution is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity which means your donation is tax deductible per IRS rules.  Please consult your tax professional.

On behalf of the billions of people who will be helped, THANK YOU!


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Donate $1/Day ($30/Month) or more and you'll get the signed hardcover, the 24 caret gold-plated Founding Member coin and the Nobel Peace Prize Co-Winner certificate with your name on it when we win the Nobel Peace Prize.



It all started Tuesday November 7th, 2006.

Rick Raddatz was sitting on his sofa eating popcorn watching the election results.

Suddenly, the insanity of our political divide washed over Rick and he realized he couldn't sit on the sidelines any more. 

Rick decided to take action.  He put his employees in charge of his small business and went out full time searching for a solution to our political divide.

His approach was simple, Rick simply talked to people -- thousands and thousands of people from all points of view.

Two-and-a-half years in, Rick had the first breakthrough.  Five years in, Rick had the big breakthrough. Rick then spent seven years consulting with hundreds of PhDs to refine the breakthrough. Then he spent six years consulting with marketing professionals to simplify the breakthrough.

And now, the breakthrough is as simple as the story of Goldilocks.

Welcome to the Goldilocks Revolution.



OUR MISSION: To Heal Our Political Divide by Teaching Everyone the Goldilocks Principle


OUR VISION: We Envision a World full of Healthy Nations, Where Each Nation Has a Healthy Majority of People Who Believe in the Goldilocks Principle.


Praise for the Goldilocks Principle From Across the Political Spectrum

Very well-done Rick! As a political conservative, I am disheartened by the divisive rhetoric tearing at our great Nation. This solution certainly presents a possibility to reverse the destructive course we are on. I look forward to and welcome additional information which will empower me to educate others!
Philip, REPUBLICAN from Sunny Isles Beach, Florida

I’m impressed so far with what I’m hearing. I would like to know more.
Dana, INDEPENDENT from Spring Valley

A method of guiding spending that all sides could be happy with? I'd like to hear more about how that would work. Politics usually brings out the worst in people, and I’d love to be able to able to get behind a solution that is practical and effective.
Mary, INDEPENDENT from Birmingham, Alabama

If the true intentions of the political interests are accurately represented this solution makes sense.
Tim, LIBERTARIAN from Provo, Utah

Wow, this plan can really work… Thank you Rick… this Rocks!
Bob, INDEPENDENT from South China, Maine

As a registered Independent, I like this proposal because it raises political discourse up from current destructive radical polarization to constructive intelligent debate.
Aila, INDEPENDENT from Charleston, South Carolina

It’s time to find a way to listen to each other and celebrate our patriotism, no matter what our political views are (or have been). I am a proud American first and foremost. This revolution evolution supports that!
Deborah, PROGRESSIVE from Phoenix, Arizona

Good job, Rick.
Michael Edward, 3RD-PARTY from Central Florida

Finally, a political position that can work for all and can make us all work for all. All for one, one for all.
Patrick, INDEPENDENT from Port Chester, New York

I hope this gets traction. What we are doing now is not working and we have serious problems that need solving.
Mike, INDEPENDENT from Seattle, Washington

This is a concept and party change that I fully support. This is THE way to demonstrate for us and our future generations what right looks like!
Mark, 3RD-PARTY from St. Robert, Missouri

Finally, Government that makes sense. There are more people that think like this than those that are selfish and greedy.
Michael Hitchens, PROGRESSIVE from Indianapolis, Indiana

I found this to be very interesting and informative. It would be great if our government would go for it. I’m sending it out to all my friends on Facebook and email.
Deborah, LIBERTARIAN from Houston, Texas

Your ideas are brilliant. No doubt about it. In theory it could well be the salvation of our species and our planet.
Jens Jerndal, INDEPENDENT from Supranational

Kathleen, DEMOCRAT from Patterson, California

Unity for the good of all.
Teresa Young, DEMOCRAT from Tulsa, Oklahoma

Transparency is the key to reduce the backroom shenanigans in government spending & contracts. Greed on a level playing field is different than greed in a dishonest good old boys' network.
E. Thomas, DEMOCRAT from Naples, Florida

It might be an ideal that a majority can agree to pursue.
Robert, INDEPENDENT from Edison, New Jersey

Looks very well thought out.
Geoff, 3RD-PARTY from USA

I like the transparency, minimization of influence of special interests and a narrowing of the gap that separates the left and right are the strengths I see in this plan.
Paul, REPUBLICAN from Magnolia, Texas

We are living amid a giant leap forward for humanity. This idea appears to be on target and on time to be a vehicle for the evolution to take place.
Jennifer, INDEPENDENT from Lod, California

This is the first time in my lifetime where I can see that all ideologies of the political spectrum have a chance of working together for the good of all people. I wholeheartedly support this.
Sandi, INDEPENDENT from Puyallup, Washington

The concept seems possible and doable.
David Wynn Smith, INDEPENDENT from Fresno, California

Finally, someone is talking about the solution and not the problem.
Morgan, REPUBLICAN from Connecticut 

I LOVE the idea that Rick has shown. This is the same idea I have thought about for years but finally someone has put it all together.
Joshua, REPUBLICAN from Escondido, California

Awesome idea! Will promote this immediately.
Peter Walton, REPUBLICAN from USA

I am so SICK of the political fighting and bickering – let’s have a real “transparent” government for ONCE!
Rick, REPUBLICAN from Lenexa, Kansas

Finally, we have a solution!
Rene, DEMOCRAT from Phoenix, Arizona

This proposal is very creative! I especially like the fact that you are trying to make the world a better place. I think Rick’s idea could be the answer to the problems the politicians are having in deciding how to ward off the majority financial disaster that our country could be headed towards.
Mimi Lupin, DEMOCRAT from Hot Springs, Arizona

It brings the heart, soul and head together for humanity, addressing the needs, wants, and desires of all people under one collaborative system.
Marilyn, INDEPENDENT from Los Angeles, California

I like changing from a system of greed, and the totally different management approach has promise.

This is an inspiring political platform that shows great promise. For the longest time, We the People have needed a way to come together, for the common good of ALL, within a framework where all political views are honored and respected. Until now… that seemed impossible! I’m extremely excited about the potential for real change. It’s a change whose time has come!
Janice, DEMOCRAT from Sparks, Nevada

I like that there seems to be a complete and sensible plan on how to bring us together to resolve where we are. I believe that democracy as we are practicing does not work. To continue the present will eventually destroy us.
Rey, INDEPENDENT from Boston, Massachusetts

Here is a complex problem solved with profound understanding, wisdom, and vision. A clear presentation of the concept and answers -conveyed in an understandable way; in less than 20 minutes to a major part of the literate and understanding world. It sure beats everything out there proposed so far and indeed could allow for a peaceable transforming power helping to get it done. Let’s all pray together moving this forward so peace will prevail before the Lord Jesus returns.
Noel Hinman, 3RD-PARTY from Merrillville, Indiana

The vision behind the concept models presented here is one I can comfortably endorse. The concept models are beautiful in their simplicity and inspired in their balance. If done right, this movement has the potential to allow the people to reclaim the values government has hijacked from us.
Valary, INDEPENDENT from Encinitas, California

I think the concept of a such a revolution has merit. I want to learn more. So far it seems our system is just not working and we need to do something. I am wondering how the powers to be and the lobbyists are going to take this!
Stella, 3RD-PARTY from Glenview, Illinois

This reminds me of the attitude after a tragedy that transcends all social barriers for the common welfare of the affected people. I like this idea. These are the common principles this nation was founded with!
Richard, REPUBLICAN from Odessa, Texas

This proposed solution is a sincere and thoughtful new approach to solving our biggest political ills. I’d encourage anyone to set aside blind ideological loyalty and cynicism for at a moment and consider this call to unity.
Scott, PROGRESSIVE from California

It just makes sense!
Russell, REPUBLICAN from Yorktown, Virginia

I’m impressed so far with what I’m hearing. I would like to know more.


Dana, INDEPENDENT from Spring Valley

Amazing work, Rick. You were born for this! I will be sending around to hundreds of folks – I do hope this makes a difference.
Henri, INDEPENDENT from Washington, DC

Finally … Some realization that it takes capitalism to fund charity. Rich people help fund the wheels for the needy. All I have ever wanted was “good” use of my tax dollars. If they are being used fairly and responsibly, then I have no problem paying them.
Cory, REPUBLICAN from Aberdeen, South Dakota

I love this idea because finally everyone in America can work together to help our country become what it can become…it's an inspiring message this country has not seen in a long time. Rick, I don’t know where this idea came from but thank you for putting such a compelling message together.
Frank, INDEPENDENT from Huntington, New York

I like the simplicity of the message and its diverse appeal.
Hugh, LIBERTARIAN from McCoy, Wisconsin

Why should our government have less accountability than each family? Families do well when they spend wisely *while* taking care of each other.
Lori, LIBERTARIAN from North Carolina

This is the first approach I’ve ever seen that provides a true opportunity to unite the voices of [virtually all] the people. It departs from the age-old “us-vs-them” mentality that has served to literally divide our country, and moves us from compromise to collaboration. As human beings, it is a truth that most of us have the same fundamental desires regarding life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Where we have seen great divide is in our ideas and philosophies on how to get there. This has created an environment where the “left” sees those on the “right” as being heartless, while those on the “right” see those on the “left” as idiots. As I currently understand this philosophy, the only people who could possibly oppose it are the political elitists who want power (and control) for the sake of power (and control).
Tim, INDEPENDENT from Swanzey, New Hampshire

Brilliant & Well Done!
Greg, REPUBLICAN from Escondido, California

I’ll look at your program.
Mark Jarvis, LIBERTARIAN from Culpeper, Virginia

I love this philosophy! Rick does a superb job of explaining it! I would love to see him run for president! We would finally have someone in office with business and common sense. But if that isn’t an option, then I would support whoever supports this philosophy. Thank you, Rick!
Kim, INDEPENDENT from Reno, Nevada

Let’s build common ground where we can. If we presume that others have good intentions, we can make tremendous progress.
Steven, INDEPENDENT from Mountain View, California

I like this proposal because it promotes fiscal responsibility and transparency in government. It is a positive and collaborative approach to solving the problems our country faces today.
Mike, INDEPENDENT from Austin, Texas

Simply amazing… the best synergistic make sense approach to run the country encompassing all views, working together to the common goal
Geoff Guirk, LIBERTARIAN from East Hanover, New Jersey

This is a simple solution and a solid political view. Heart, mind, and commerce rolled into one small government plan. Very inspiring!
Keith, PROGRESSIVE from Naperville, Illinois

This is very impressive. Finally, I feel like I see hope for a single plan that we can all believe in. WELL DONE and you have my FULL SUPPORT. Thank you.
Johnpaul Moses, INDEPENDENT from Memphis, Tennessee

Rick is a modern-day philosopher who understands how altruistic ideas can be arranged to appeal to everyone. This construct will need a lot of help to gain traction. However, it can be “sold” like soap, cars, or fashion by clever people. This could work.
John, LIBERTARIAN from Georgia

Great work Rick. Brilliant.
Tom, INDEPENDENT from Vancouver, Canada

I am looking forward to supporting any movement that brings our country back to the principles it was founded on – a government for the people by the people.
Ty Bohannon, INDEPENDENT from Aurora, Colorado

Wow. An idea whose time has come. I’m fascinated at how you tied everything together so powerfully. It is a concept that, if we can get enough people to understand and embrace, can truly save this Country!
Christina, DEMOCRAT from Sarasota, Florida

I’d like to get Congress to actually prioritize spending. This should eliminate all the pork-barrel politics and add-on’s.
Barbara, INDEPENDENT from New Jersey

Rick is in charge and it makes sense… mostly … a couple of words here or there… I like the presentation and the convergence of charity with Capitalism.
Steve, 3RD-PARTY from Salt Lake City, Utah

Representative democracy has long outlived its usefulness. It is time for direct democracy and professional management to take over from the “best congress money can buy” institutions. This is a reasonable middle ground that might allow us to transition from one to the other without a full civil war we might otherwise soon get into.
Martin, LIBERTARIAN from Carson City, Nevada

The center used to be a muddy place until the idea of this revolution.
Eugene, REPUBLICAN from Anchorage, Alaska

I believe it’s true that all political viewpoints have more in common than opposed – it’s HOW we talk about what we want that creates such HUGE ILLUSIONS of separate interests. Thank you, Rick, for being willing to lead in this area despite the landmines, and for being willing to put effort into using language we can all hear instead of resist. I believe more than ever before that we are ready to meet in the middle and transcend. differences for the common good.
Susan, INDEPENDENT from Atlanta, Georgia

This looks like a unity plan that has great potential to protect our country and world from the chaos that we seem to be spiraling toward… while providing a framework for a bright future for all of us.
Robby, INDEPENDENT from Arvada, Colorado

This is exactly what I’ve been looking for – people trying to agree rather than fight. Great ideas.
Robert, INDEPENDENT from Bellingham, Washington

For the highest and greatest good, at individual level of intent, toward the purpose of achieving maximum well-being for all. That is what this revolution is all about.
Don, 3RD-PARTY from Levelland, Texas

This solution creates a balance that I have not seen before. It creates hope that we as a country can be on the same team and not fight over petty things.
Sara, DEMOCRAT from Phoenix, Arizona

Finally, taking a psychological/mathematical approach to politics. Using our heads instead of raw emotions. When government no longer serves the people, the people have a duty to change their government. It’s time for the people to stand together so special interest will not be able to dictate policy anymore.
Cory, INDEPENDENT from San Diego, California

Finally, here is something to really get excited about! Instead of the constant bickering back and forth of the political parties and the media support of one or the other, here is a solution where everyone works together to affect a win-win for every political view. Capitalism and charity come together to benefit the self-sufficient and needy alike. Everyone can be happy with the result.
Phil, LIBERTARIAN from Grand Junction, Colorado

I really hope something like this can actually happen. I will show my support, for what it is worth. Transparency is the key and no one in Washington seems to want that to happen right now. Let's change that and really see how bad the waste is, then I will gladly pay a fair share of the taxes we need.
Danny, LIBERTARIAN from Franklin, Tennessee

This makes total sense because none of us can achieve a sustainable program that will please everyone without compromise and working synergistically to make our government work for all. I’m all for this solution. I know that when you understand what it is and how it works, you will support this too!
Mae, REPUBLICAN from Las Vegas, Nevada

Take this all the way Rick! We need you to lead us in the right direction…. we will follow!
Randall Robbins, DEMOCRAT from Charlotte, North Carolina

I like the effectiveness, compromising, transparency, helping people in need and responsible government.
Kaare, REPUBLICAN from Effingham, Illinois

My gut response to this can be described in one word: RESPONSIBILITY. That’s what Rick is introducing/demanding with this approach. Transparency is the precursor and guarantor of responsibility. But we can no longer just talk about it. We’re on the slippery slope to destruction. Transparency. Cap and grade. What a concept! Why do I like it? Responsibility. Capitalism feeds charity. Where does charity get funded without the freedom to invent, produce, earn, profit, and serve? Yep, charity and business are two sides of the same coin. We must maintain the balance of powers, the natural give and take, without favoring one side over the other. Transparency and Responsibility. Go for it, Rick!
Mel, 3RD-PARTY from Carson City, Nevada

I like stopping the spending and accountability. Also, that we quit ruining people's lives by doing it for them. Let’s spend time teaching them.
Sandy, 3RD-PARTY from Florida

This idea has potential. I joined and will follow this with great interest.
Doug, LIBERTARIAN from Santa Ana, California

I think most Americans are in the middle… this seems to address the middle instead of the far rights and lefts.
Ellie, INDEPENDENT from New York

This seems to make sense to me. I’d like to hear more
Jeff, INDEPENDENT from San Diego, California

Time for us to come together, instead of continuing to argue about who is “right”. Bottom line, we do share core beliefs and have core needs, and this is a perfect way for us to end the separation. Capping spending and having priorities is how a person would budget their own money effectively and so I see no reason why it wouldn’t work in government also. Thank you for all you are doing to help all of us!
Nancy, INDEPENDENT from Carmen, Idaho

Interesting ideas here.                 
Verlyn Kroon, REPUBLICAN from Omaha, Nebraska

It’s a great approach in today’s political climate.

Such a solution is the first time I’ve felt hope that Americans might stop talking past each other, embrace the heart of where we agree, and do something that makes sense.
Patti, REPUBLICAN from Dallas, Texas

Not until we redefine the role of government in our lives will we begin to rebuild our country to be the greatest in the world again (sorry, communists & socialists…). This is a fantastic idea that truly has the potential to redefine our government. I wholeheartedly support this concept and the people behind the idea.
John, REPUBLICAN from Cleveland, Ohio

Looks good. Looking forward to seeing the technology to assist and make the system work in practice.
Anthony Lawton, INDEPENDENT from United Kingdom

No matter your party or political, philosophical leaning, we’re all looking for better answers to what are government has presented. Our country is ailing – it’s undeniable. Mainly, because we are overly married to views that are unable to answer the most important priorities. At the very least, this is worth a serious look for every single, engaged citizen from, the far left, the far right and everything in between. At best, it offers a gallant first step towards something better, viable and appealing to many of us wanting a more responsive government.
Bruce, INDEPENDENT from Fort Collins, Colorado

Balance will be obtained once we all succeed in this revolution.
Joe, INDEPENDENT from Cheyenne, Wyoming

The model is a terrific framework to begin a different conversation about how our country can unite and prioritize what matters most to our freedom and sovereignty.
John, INDEPENDENT from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I’m a lifelong Democrat, indoctrinated long ago. I remember riding on my daddy’s shoulders at a Labor Day parade in 1959 when Senator Kennedy waved at me…. But what I’m saddened by in 2011 is the rabid “Us vs Them” viciousness. What I love about Rick’s proposal is it’s a carefully thought-out way for us to help others have HOPE and OPPORTUNITY…. a true WIN!
Gregory, DEMOCRAT from Detroit, Michigan

Very interested in the possible change.
John, REPUBLICAN from Orlando, Florida

Thanks! We have come full circle. Welcome home. We are back to pragmatism.
Neil Cosentino, INDEPENDENT from Tampa, Florida

Wow, this truly brings the heart and head of government spending together in a balanced collaboration. It seems ideal for the family budget too. Bottom line – A. cap spending to stay in your budget B. Agreed prioritized spending within that budget.
Barbara, INDEPENDENT from Mundelein, Illinois

The model reminds me of something I would get from a top tier consulting company. Education is the prime value we should not ignore. The mind is our greatest resource.
Steven, INDEPENDENT from San Francisco

It is a new look at where we can go from here.
Alan, INDEPENDENT from Lebanon, New Hampshire

Real possibilities to move all our political sides forward together for a greater future for all. No one group owns the word “patriotic.” Anyone that cares about our country’s past, present and future gets to claim this word. This revolution gives me hope for our country’s future and our country’s ability to be a positive, collaborative, constructive energy for Good in the world.
Monica, INDEPENDENT from Seattle, Washington

Rick Raddatz once again demonstrates his brilliance! If you love America, Capitalism, Our Constitution and have a compassionate heart to see that no person on this planet is without food, shelter and an education you must watch this video. Our Founding Fathers wanted co-operation in the highest sense of the word… They truly believed that Man’s freedom comes from God and the we have an opportunity to express and share that freedom with everyone. We have to love one another in spite of our differences in political, religious, and humanitarian views.
Jerry, LIBERTARIAN from Vista, California

I like the limited Government and social justice.
Gene, INDEPENDENT from Crested Butte, Colorado

LET'S GET IT ALL ON THE TABLE. Simple efficiency improvement & waste reduction could chop 25 % of this $14 Trillion… Use the savings for priority items. No [one] politician’s agenda. Let's make a difference. People Power!
Kevin Lane, PROGRESSIVE from Carlsbad, California

It’s logical. It simply makes sense. Plus, it holds government accountable for their spending.
Gil, LIBERTARIAN from Riverdale, New York


The Goldilocks Revolution is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity which means your donation is tax deductible per IRS rules.  Please consult your tax professional.

On behalf of the billions of people who will be helped, THANK YOU!


Donate $1 or more and we'll send you the paperback!

Donate $1/Day ($30/Month) or more and you'll get the signed hardcover, the 24 caret gold-plated Founding Member coin and the Nobel Peace Prize Co-Winner certificate with your name on it when we win the Nobel Peace Prize.

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